25 Random Things About Me
25 Random things about me, created by Janine. Edited by me.
2. I like being masculine: hairy, strong, in-charge and protective. It comes easily to me and I see that as a great blessing.
3. I must name my first daughter Arcadia (name comes from a character in Isaac Assimov's The Second Foundation). I know I don't have a uterus so this may be hard, but I expect to convince the mother of my first daughter that this is really her name.
4. I love pulling out dozens of screws to fix laptops. That was one of my favorite parts of working at the Help Desk.
5. When I was a kid, my parents were conservatives but had to register as democrats and campaign for Blagojevich to keep their state jobs. I registered as a democrat in order to get better access at scholarships. In college, I rebelled against all this and became a Christian conservative. Now I'd call myself a left-leaning independent.
6. I had many different campus jobs in college. My favorites include working at the Krannert Center gift shop and working as the team "captain" in the Res. Hall library in college. I like to see things arranged in an orderly way, so both libraries and retail have come easily to me.
7. I like wedding rings with heft. You know, something thick and heavy that reminds me that I'm quite married.
8. I like beverages, especially when they are warm, sweet, bitter, alcoholic, caffeinated or cold. I consume a percentage of my weekly caloric intake in beverages.
9. Before Janine met her roommate Betsi, I had dated four of Betsi's friends. I say that dating is two parts confidence, one part charm. I have quite a bit of both.
10. When I went to Girard, I introduced Janine to the town by pointing out every lawn that I had mowed. There is something so satisfying about lawn-mowing: it allows every single strand to be exactly lined-up. The morning of my first date with Janine, I mowed the lawn at church.
11. In college I would attend classes I was not in (but interested in) and skip classes I was enrolled in. If Janine knew me then, she'd deny she knew my name.
12. I don't usually like mac products because they try to sell presentation. However, I love and cherish my iphone. I could hardly imagine life without it.
13. Thirteen is my favorite number, and I have always considered it lucky, despite popular conventions.
14. I eat eggs more than most people eat bread, milk and water combined. I eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Why doesn't everyone like them as much as I do? I don't understand.
15. I don't really like when women are pastors or when they write science fiction. But sometimes I listen to them anyway, and think they're great.
16. When I read a book, I read every word thoroughly. However, I generally don't stop to meditate on what I read until I'm done. My favorite genres are Science Fiction, how-to and historical fiction.
17. I won the first trivial pursuit/Illinites game the University of Illinois has hosted. However, I returned the DVD player I won the next day to get the cash. I am so smart that I am practical.
18. I'd like to be a patriarch with a litter of children. I know that this is a lot of work and I'm not sure we'll be able to have more than three or four. But, I do dream of being the father of the family: waking up on Saturday and making pancakes for all my children; coaching Little League for my sons and daughters; having lots of sex with my wife. I am a family man.
19. In sixth grade I went to space camp for a week. When I came back, I wore my full body NASA jumpsuit for my seventh grade school photos. I didn't realize this was nerdy until I was 24.
20. I put an outrageous amount of syrup on my buckwheat pancakes. I am a sugar-head.
21. I spent Christmas money from my grandparents on lego sets. I enjoyed every moment of assembling them.
22. I want to get a second bachelor's degree in Computer Science and perhaps a Master's in C.S. after that. I majored in history because I'm good at reading and writing, but it was never my passion. I really love technology.
23. I have fantasies of someday becoming a great grandfather, and looking out on many generations of my progeny.
24. My favorite color is charcoal. I also like burgundy, black and navy.
25. It's a great deal of fun for me to nurture (trees, plants, animals, children) and build (legos, furniture, miniatures, etc) things. I take pleasure in the process of creating, molding and shaping.
Bonus #26: I love Janine Giordano and want to spend the rest of my life doing so.
Interesting...I remember the space suit thing! LOL!
Posted by
Jessica and Jeremy |
10:58 AM